Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

Dolac open-air Zagreb market - have a treat!

Zagreb Roofs - Old town

Petrica Kerempuh - Dolac market

Kaptol Cathedral - Skalinska street - Zagreb
The splendor of city markets and fairs I consider irrisistable, wherever I might be.
Always and everywhere a sheer pleasure for the eye, a treat for the sense of smell and foremost taste.

Dolac market, open-air

Dolac market - closed area

Goat milk products

Zagreb Specials - "Šestinske" Houseshoes

Zagreb Specials - traditional garments

Zagreb Specials - traditional motifs

Zagreb Specials - traditional crafts
Opened in 1930, the Dolac open-air market is recognized even today as an integral part of Zagreb life. Just five minutes walk from the main centre, the market was built to replace the run-down Dolac housing estate which, in its dilapidated state, was not considered fitting for the city centre. 

Now home to hundreds of stalls selling a multitude of fresh products, Croatian baked specialities and countless Croatian craft goods, the Dolac market is considered to be Zagreb´s belly.

Dolac continues to be a fundamental piece of Zagreb´s character. If this is still not tempting enough, go for no other reason but to sharpen your bartering skills.

Fishmarket - closed - main entry


Zagreb Dolac Market - inside

2 Kommentare:

  1. Love this post, as I love Dolac! :-)

  2. Ja,der Dolac ist wirklich schön.Immer ein Höhepunkt,wenn wir in Zagreb sind.


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