Terroir (French pronunciation: [tɛʁwaʁ]) comes from the word terre "land". It was originally a French term in wine, coffee and tea used to denote the special characteristics that the geography, geology and climate of a certain place bestowed upon particular produce. Agricultural sites in the same region share similar soil, weather conditions, and farming techniques, which all contribute to the unique qualities of the crop. It can be very loosely translated as "a sense of place", which is embodied in certain characteristic qualities, the sum of the effects that the local environment has had on the production of the product.
womenwine, WOW!
Najbolji istarski vinari kažu da se vino radi u vinogradu,
ali potrebno je posebno umijeće sačuvati ono najbolje iz grožđa i ugraditi to u vino.
The best Istra-region winemakers claim that wine is produced in the wineyards, but it is neccessary to preserve the best from the grapes and infuse it into the wine. (Vinistra)
The cork could be reagarded in the sense of "humility", although an object of little value - often used as only craft material - a simple and easily manipulated element - the cork remains a quintessential neccessity. The sheer use of "cork" renders an air of something plain, exemplary of an everyday product. The cap functions as the inevitable element that eventually unifies and personalizes the specific product into a "whole". The label and its design are the evidence of its maker's motif.(Blogauthor)
* Text and photographs by Tinti
The Vinistra Wine Fair & Awards as a beginner I experienced as sheere pleasure for the Winlover´s eye, nose and tongue. Though probably rather small - more local that is regional - than national or even global, it offers pure pleasure of insight, for the specialist but also for the plein observer. I myself obeserved, than tasted and in the end found easily a lot of courage to comment. The comment though seemded, to my suprise and modest expectations, regarded quite valuble. "Who are You?", was the common approaching question afterwards. "No-one. I am a person that loves wines and Istra. My visit was curiosity pure. I had to contribute!". The thankfullness was on both sides. I was glad. The presentation I attended was titled "Taste of Croatia", it´s aim, the promotion of wine-tourism in Croatia, especially the wine-regions leading with Istra as host of the title-fair. After a rather clumsy introduction of the alleged expert-host (in English, since foreign) and a smart remark of a local insider I finally had to intervene. Wine-makers in Istra do not need Blogs or Web-sides, they already got them and they are perfect. They don´t need Internet-promotion or international Wine-Fair awards, that they already got too. The Istrian Wizzards they are called and indeed the are wizzards especially concerning the developement of authocton wine-sorts as the now famous Malvazija! They don´t even lack "a story", wine in Croatia is traditionally "local" and a way of family-tradition not to mention living. The cuisine and gastronomy is more than a culture, it is "top". Of course the wine-tourist does know that, wine-tourist by rule differ since they explore not book, they always have a primary aim and it is never all-inclusive and "ready for use". What wine-tourism in Croatia needs is a Tourist Board that does its work proparly with all support neccessary. Otherwise wine-tourism will remain in Croatia an expensive sport for those who produce and does who research, but fortunately both will never resign enjoying!
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Vinistra- Žatika Hall |

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Rewarded Wines 2012 |
MISAL by two Ladies
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Via Terre-Istra |
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Malvazija |

Clai Bijele Zemlje winery
Vesna and Giorgio Clai
Brajki 104, Krasica, HR-52460 Buje
tel. +385 (0)52 776 175
mob. +385 91 577 6364
email: vesna.clai@pu.t-com.hr
Ottocento Bijeli - 2009.
Magnum izdanje, 1,5 lVesna and Giorgio Clai
Brajki 104, Krasica, HR-52460 Buje
tel. +385 (0)52 776 175
mob. +385 91 577 6364
email: vesna.clai@pu.t-com.hr
Ottocento Bijeli - 2009.
Mnogi su poput mene zaljubljenici u Claieva vina - posebno se vole Cali crna vina, međutim Clai je za mene osobno Clai, a jednom pročitah lijep opis, koji kaže, kako su "njegova bijela vina to samo po boji, a u duši su zapravo crevena"! Još me je više oduševilo kada saznah, kako sam Clai preferira svoja bijela vina. Iako cijenim sve vinske boje - Clai je ipak možda mala iznimka obzirom da sam ljubitelj maceriranih vina - a ona su upravo bijela ili kako se ista vole zvati : "oranž" vina. Pa tako i ovo Bijelo (kupaža : istarska malvazija, sivi pinot, sauvignon, chardonnay), zapravo boje topaza odiše svim i svačim : pomalo suho, voćno, a istovremeno egzotično začinjeno i žustro. Clai vina ne pijem uz hranu, zato je posebnost okusa pre izražajna. Ima tu i cvijeta i pupoljka - jakost podsjeća na težinu minerala - zemlja tj. terroir kod ovog vina igra neponovljivu ulogu - ono muzira, gori, peće uz izvanredno skladan slad. Ovo vino pijem sama ili u posebno odabranom društvu. Ova vina nisu za svakoga.
* photographs by Tinti

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Ottocento crni _ 2010. |
The wine-voyage continues....
"Život je prekratak da bismo pili loša vina." J.W.Goethe
"Life is too short to drink bad wines." J.W. Goethe
Per sheer coincidance I stumbled across
and extraordinary Wine_Experience. In a wooden case, hidden far beyond the main wine shelves of this particular Zagreb wineshop I found this hidden gem.
Fist I saw the label, then I read the rest - a POSTUP from Pelješac, Donja Banda - this must be a fine wine, born 2003.
The content rendered at first a shudder of excitement, then gave me a deep taste, undescribable actually. Certain is though without question - a prime and original Croatian Pelješac Postup from Donja Banda has to taste exactly like this. Postup represents a valuble gem in the crown of proud red autochtonous Croatian wine-sorts. I' ll never forget this "Cricket", it was a hot Croatian summer evening, the wast Adriatic sea
it ' s horizon.
Visit to Miloš on Dalmatia’s Pelješac Peninsula
by Bravawine

Keep it natural, intervene minimally, and don’t let the wood barrels have too much impact on the wine. ...
Miloš’ vineyards are situated on the steep, rocky hillsides of the Pelješac peninsula, facing the Adriatic Sea. He’s tending the plants by hand, as if there’s any other option on these jagged slopes. His basic Miloš Plavac is coming from the middle section of the hillsides while Stagnum, his top wine, comes from the top position of the vineyards."
*the Blogauthor wasn´t yet lucky enough to taste this wine ...
Frano Milos_Stagnum
Harem Sultan Wine
"Harem Sultan is a premium wine brand that is only sold at duty free shops in Turkey targeting foreign tourists. The brief was to design a packaging that would create conversation on the table when people go back to their countries. Something that foreigners would love to buy not only as wine but as a Special Souvenir from Turkey. Each bottle is dressed with the famous Kaftan of an Ottoman Sultan. The colours of the Kaftans indicate the sort of wine in the bottle. At the back of each bottle there is the real story of the Kaftan. The Kaftans are all handcrafted in silk. And are all designed by the original textiles of the Ottoman Sultans."
I´am lucky enough to have as a good friend a very nice lady, one of the best-quality persons I know, and she never forgets good friends either. Although it was surely a remembering Turkey holiday, sharing it with a nice gentleman, she never forget my passion all the same.
Nevertheless what "the bottle" below says the colour as well as the taste reminded me unforgettably of tyrkish roses - rose jam it was for me - a warm but refreshing wine experience.
Nevertheless what "the bottle" below says the colour as well as the taste reminded me unforgettably of tyrkish roses - rose jam it was for me - a warm but refreshing wine experience.
Yavuz Sultan Selim I
Rosé Wine from Anatolian "Öküzgözü" grapes of the Denizli region.
The kaftan attached belonged to Yavuz Sultan Selim I and it is now exhibited at the Topkapi Palace Museum.
Tcherga is unique blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot & Rubin. As Tcherga, the typical Bulgarian craft made rug, gathers the most impressive and beautiful colors of Bulgaria, so this wine combines the most exquisite tastes and aromas of those three grape varieties from the Thracian Valley in Bulgaria.
A nice treat by a friend. A strong Bulgarian. A deep taste as deep its colour.
A warming wine for a nice evening (see picture above).
Ivo Dubokovic_Jelsa Hvar
Berba 2010
2718 sati sunca u boci
Sorta : Plavac mali

MLADUH – Istarski izraz za mlado vino ala Boujolais (F) ili Novello (I)
mladuh = istarski mladić, a može i mlad/mladi duh
Kolzlović Vina Istra
nepogrešiv izbor
kupaža crvenog mladog vina:
merlot (35%), refošk (25%), plavina (25%) i teran (15%)
vrlo lagano i pitko, voćnog teka, lijepe svijetlo crvene boje -
kristalno jasne

Mladuh se tradicionalno pušta u prodaju treći četvrtak u studenom.
Ne proizvodi se u godinama kada je berba kalendarski
kasnija jer ne postoji:
- kvalitetan izbor grožđa
- dovoljno vremena da se odradi sva procedura k.m
. + alk. ferm. + stabil. + punjenje u butelje
Text papirnog omota boce:
Svestran i zavodljiv, mladenačkog duha, dolazi nam Mladuh kao predvodnik nadolazeće berbe. Bogat i raskošan, a istovremeno nepretenciozan i dopadljiv. Esencija voćne primarnosti i svježine. Mirisa koji odiše aromama trešanja, višanja, šumskih jagoda i cvjetnih nota poput ljubica, te okusa u kojem se prava eksplozija živahne voćnosti isprepliće sa čistom i treperavom svježinom mladog vina.
SOLUM Chardonnay Sur Lie 2011 -
Vinarija Solum (Robert Naprta)
Solum V

% alkohola: 15,4%
Sorta: Chardonnay
Berba: 2009
Regija: Hrvatska, Međimurje
Proizvođač: Robert Naprta
Najbolje pristaje uz: jela od bijelog mesa
na roštilju,
odrezak od tune, dimljena riba
Temperatura posluživanja: 12-14 ºC
Cijena: oko 15 EUR
Po mom skromnom mišljenju možda pomalo precijenjen u cijeni - ali svakako izvrstan sur lie!
Torres - Fransola
Sauvignon Blanc
Vintage 2001
This white barrique was also a lost gem
finally found. Very warming from the beginning,
fruity aromas, but still a nice "leftovertaste" of tobacco.
A wine also to drink "solo" - a dessert - more food is not
not required.
Barton & Guestier
60% Plavina
40% Merlot
Vinarija: CvitkoTeskera,
Vinarija "Toreta"
Smokvica 165; 20272 Smokvica
Tel +385(0)20 832100
Fax +385 (0)20 831020
Mob: +385(0) 98 178 2645
Smokvica 165; 20272 Smokvica
Tel +385(0)20 832100
Fax +385 (0)20 831020
Mob: +385(0) 98 178 2645
MB : 3966844
OIB: 94254533029
OIB: 94254533029
Tel: 023/342294
Fax: 023/342377
Fax: 023/342377
De Gregoriis, Jurjević Pošip 2011
very fresh white one
... from the island of Silba (Zadar, Croatia)!